Patriot Workflow Scheduler also provides REST API to manage jobs. The REST API works along with ‘Web Console’ at the moment.


Some APIs need Basic authentication. When calling these APIs, you should provide username and password which are written in the config file as info_server.admin.username and info_server.admin.password (See ‘System Configuration’).


Described here are the APIs provided at the moment.

GET /api/v1/jobs

Retrieves jobs with conditions provided with the parameters below.


state (optional)
Filters jobs (default: 4, FAILED). The options are:
-1: INIT
limit (optional)
Limits the number of jobs to get (default: 50).
offset (optional)
Adds offset (default: 0).
filter_exp (optional)
Filters jobs with the provided expression.
This expression will be given to a LIKE clause of SQL.

GET /api/v1/jobs/stats

A handy way to get status and its number of jobs respectively.

The responce would be like:

[[-1, 3], [1, 100], [2, 10], [3, 0], [4, 20]]

It means that there are 3 jobs with status -1(INIT), 100 jobs with status 1(WAIT), and so on. Note that status -2(DISCARDED) and 0(SUCCEEDED) are not included in this API.

GET /api/v1/jobs/<job_id>

Retrieves the detail of the job.


job_id (required*)
Indicates the job_id
include_dependency (optional)
Determines if the information of consumers and producers is included (default: true)

GET /api/v1/jobs/<job_id>/histories

Retrieves the execution history of the job.


job_id (required*)
Indicates the job_id
size (optional)
Sets the size of history (default: 3)

POST /api/v1/jobs

Registers a new job.

You should check what parameters the command requires and give them properly.


COMMAND_CLASS (required*)
Indicates a command class you want to create.
name (optional, but strongly recommended)
Indicates the job name. This parameter will be given to the command, and the command will generate a job_id accordingly.
requisites (optional)
Indicates products which will be required by the job before its execution.
produces (optional)
Indicates products which will be produced by the job after its execution.
priority (optional)
Sets the priority of the job (default: 1).
exec_date (optional)
Indicates the date when the job can start (default: the next day of the day when this API is called)
The format is supposed to be “YYYY-MM-DD”.
start_after (optional)
Indicates the time when the job can start after.
The format is supposed to be “hh:mm:ss”.
exec_node (optional)
Indicates a node (a group of hosts) where the job can be executed.
exec_host (optional)
Indicates a host where the job is executed.
(other parameters, optional)
If other parameters are given, they will be provided to the command which is created along with COMMAND_CLASS.

Example of parameters

Following parameters can be provided in the JSON body of a POST request.

Here name, name_suffix, connector, commands are parameters for Patriot.Command.ShCommand.

 "COMMAND_CLASS": "Patriot.Command.ShCommand",
 "name"         : "calculation_b"
 "name_suffix"  : "2016-01-01"
 "priority"     : 10,
 "exec_date"    : "2016-01-01",
 "start_after"  : "01:30:00",
 "connector"    : "&&",
 "commands"     : ["sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -rmr /tmp/nbu_battleslot_slot/2013-07-06"]}],
 "exec_node"    : "calc_node",
 "requisites"   : ["calculation_a_2016-01-01", "master_data_2016-01-01],
 "produces"     : ["calculation_b_2016_01_01"],

This request will return a JSON response like:

 "job_id": "sh_calculation_b_2016-01-01",
 "state" : "INIT"

PUT /api/v1/jobs/<job_id>

Modifies the state of the specified job.


job_id (required*)
Indicates the job_id
Indicates a new state.

DELETE /api/v1/jobs/<job_id>

Deletes the specified job and its relation.


job_id (required*)
Indicates the job_id